OZ Series(White Type)|TETRA Co., Ltd.

TETRA Co., Ltd.


Water soluble lubricant but with the same performance as graphite system.

OZ Series(White Type)



Can correspond to high temperature mold.

Can reduce running cost due you can use with high dilution rate.

Hardly pile up to mold and can have better sharp edge than graphite system.

Due not containing graphite, very little stain around the machine, working cloth and around ventilating equipment.

Brown liquid

Dilute stock solution by water to optional rate and mix it well.
(Optimal dilution rate is 15~20 times)
Coat diluted solution in small quantity uniformly to mold by spray etc.
You can adjust dilution rate to your option due it is solution type.

Read thoroughly safety data sheet.

Fire Service Act of Japan
Non-hazardous substance

220kg/Steel drum   20kg/Can




We think that lubricity is important compared with universal type lubricant.

Can reduce running cost due you can use with high dilution rate.

Due not containing graphite, very little stain around the machine, working cloth and around ventilating equipment.

Light milky white liquid

Dilute stock solution by water to optional rate and mix it well.
(Optimal dilution rate is 15~20 times)
Coat diluted solution in small quantity uniformly to mold by spray etc.
You can adjust dilution rate to your option due it is solution type.


Read thoroughly safety data sheet.

Fire Service Act of Japan
Non-hazardous substance

220kg/Steel drum  20kg/Can



A type with good balance between lubricity and mold releasability.

Due not containing graphite, very little stain around the machine, working cloth and around ventilating equipment.

Light milky white liquid

Dilute stock solution by water to optional rate and mix it well.
(Optimal dilution rate is 15~20 times)
Coat diluted solution in small quantity uniformly to mold by spray etc.
You can adjust dilution rate to your option due it is solution type.

Read thoroughly safety data sheet.

Fire Service Act of Japan
Non-hazardous substance

220kg/Steel drum  20kg/Can

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